Just What The Heck Is Twitter?

In Life by Lisa Burnett

A few months ago, no one around here had ever even heard of Twitter.  What the heck is Twitter?!!!!  Well, after finding out that you update your "followers" about what you are doing at the moment, all of us quickly said "Never.  I will never, ever do that".  First of all, I have a hard enough time just getting something done, much less telling someone about what I just did.  Secondly, who would care about what I am doing?  Finally, who would have that much time?

Well, apparently, there are people that would like to follow us on Twitter. Pressure. So, like most things we do around here, we are just going to dive right in.  We now have a Twitter account. By becoming a follower, you will be updated every time we have a contest, giveaway, free downloads and any other fun thing we don't want you to miss.  If you would like to follow us, please click the link on the left. 

Moral of this story- never, ever say never.

Have a great weekend.  I thought I would share this picture of my little boy in front of the flag.  One of my biggest hopes is that he learns to love this country as much as I do.  Happy Fourth!

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posted by Lisa