Our New Project Sweetwater Box!

In Quilting by Lisa Burnett

It’s almost time!  We are shipping a new Project Sweetwater box in the next few days.  This box is a little different and the reason why needs some explanation.

When we started this subscription box, we made a plan of when the boxes would ship- March, June, September and December.  That schedule followed our schedule of fabric releases.  So every time a new line of fabric came out, we would have a box ship.  Sounds simple enough.  Except sometimes things happen and a well laid plan can turn to mush.   Which is exactly what happened to the December “Project Red” box.  We had every indication we would receive our Project Red fabric the first part of December. As all of our subscribers know, that didn’t even come close to happening.  We actually received the fabric the first week of January.  Which made the boxes over a month late.  Yikes.  That can’t happen again.  Which is why we came up with a new plan.

Instead of sending boxes the exact month the fabric is supposed to get to us, we decided to move that out a little.  For example, our new Harmony fabric will be in stores in March.  Our old plan was to ship the Harmony box in March.  But what if the fabric shipment is late?  That isn’t something that we can control.   So the new plan is to ship the Harmony fabric in June.  That way, we will never be late with a box.  Even if the Harmony fabric gets to us in April, we still won’t be late, as we are scheduling it to ship in June.

Then the problem becomes- what will we ship in March????? Ahh…….that is where our practice of hoarding fabric becomes something positive.  For whatever reason, when we receive new fabric collections, there are some pieces in each collection that we get lots of.  Just because we love it and because maybe someday we will have a perfect plan of what to do with it.  Well completely by accident, our personal stash has become the perfect solution to our box problem.  As hard as it was, we went into the very large stash and cut it all up for the March box.

The other perfect solution came with the main pattern for the box.  My mom has been making these Rag Runners for over a year now.  She makes one for herself in every new collection.  They are so cute and easy to make- and would be perfect for our mix of fabric we are putting in the box.

We love, love, love the fringe on the ends of the runner- that will be included in the box!  We also love the rag hand stitching along the seams.  We love it so much, that we included it on all the projects in the box.

We call this box “Patchwork”.  Just in the photos above, I see fabric from Feed Company, The Tree House, Sunday Supper, Project Red, The Boat House, First Crush and Freedom.  I love how they work  so well together.  Please remember, that your box might not be include the exact same prints you see.  However, they will be the same colors out of the same collections and will have the same look as the samples.

If you haven’t signed up for a subscription to Project Sweetwater and would like this box, you still have time (until we sell out).  You can do that here.

Have a great week and be looking for your boxes soon!