Blueberry Salad……………..Yum Yum

In Cooking, Life by Lisa Burnett

If you are going to a picnic on the 4th of July (or anytime) and need to take something to share, this salad will be a hit!  My sister-in-law shared this recipe with me and it is just simply scrumptious! 

Here it is looking nice and festive for the 4th –


and here is the recipe –

Blueberry salad 

If you would like to download the recipe and print it out please click here

Speaking of strawberries – Have you ever had a strawberry from Cherry Moon Farms?  Every Mother's Day here comes the UPS man with a box of strawberries from Cherry Moon Farms.  No the box is not for me it is for my mom.  I can't even take credit for sending them to her.  My brother sends them and my mom graciously shares with me!  They are so good and even come with chocolate.  If you ever get a chance you just have to try them.

posted by Susan